Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nutrient density not caloric density is the key

Nutrient density is the key to weight management, and excess weight is the most critical marker for diabetes. One of the pillars of the Joel Fuhrman, M.D. "Eat to Live" system, that I have found invaluable: Health = Nutrients/Calories. I have often found that when I bring this concept up in conversation many think in am speaking of caloric density or energy dense food. I hear 'Isn't energy nutrition?" I think we grew up feeling that we needed to pack in calories if we wanted to sustain health.
In today's junk food world it is quite the opposite. We easily get a vast quantity of calories cheaply, but with surprisingly little in the way of micro-nutrients that are so vital to long term health. We seemed to be able to live well on junk in our youth, when our system was highly efficient. When we get older our system is less able to take the punishment of neglect. Have you tried partying like when you were young and expected to do well the next day at work?
Bring food that is packed with nutrition and fiber like greens, vegetables and berries into your diet, and you will fill up much sooner on many fewer calories. It is literally hard to over-consume high quality food. These highly nutritious foods are also much less processed. Less processed means fewer problems for your body to incorporate into its ecology. Your body naturally recognizes real food and knows what to do with it.

1 comment:

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