Monday, October 19, 2009

Eating mindfully: diabetes management

Eating mindfully is one of the greatest tools to getting a grip on poor eating habits. We went to brunch at a nice Indian restaurant yesterday (the reopening of Temptations in Ann Arbor on Washtenaw). The food was great, the service was impeccable, but they had a TV running silently in the corner. I found myself inexorably drawn to the screen.
I see the same thing happening where I work at Whole Foods Market. We have a sound free Food Channel running all day long and many stare at it blankly. I must wonder if they even taste the food they so carefully selected for their health.
Your body wisely knows what it needs and how much is best, but if that information loop is disengaged you loose the control. Diabetes management requires deep listening to you bodies needs and heeding that wisdom.

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