Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Well here we are. As most people starting a blog, they have no idea where this could go.

I do have a real urgent agenda. I would like to document my journey in the control of my diabetes. This is an issue that has been coming into my life for about 6 years, or since about age 58. I'm sure there were signs long before, but no doctor warned me of it's likelihood because of my diet, weight and lifestyle.

About 2003 my new primary doctor told me I was pre diabetic and needed to make changes if I didn't want to get real diabetes. I took him seriously, but my approach was only half hearted. I took up lots of exercise, including biking thousands of miles per year. I also have a very physical job and I felt that should be enough. I really didn't wish to change my diet since I loved the food I ate: Bad thinking.

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