Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I love to cook healthy

I often wonder why I suffer from diabetes since I really know what healthy cooking is and thankfully also love to cook.

I just concocted for dinner a pasta sauce using Newman's Marinara and 15 oz. can diced tomatoes as the starter. I grilled (2 tsp. canola oil) 1.5 onions and 1.5 C button mushrooms and a few shiitakes. Get them sizzling and added 15 Brussel sprouts, cup of chick peas and some kale I previously cooked with Kombu. I'll put it over brown rice pasta, since my sweetie is exploring for wheat sensitivity.

I spend the vast majority of my food dollar in the produce section. I mostly cook from scratch. I don't mind spending hours in the kitchen. It is therapeutic for me, though there are times I need a quick meal. I usually start with simple plans, but keep embellishing.

The reason one might follow me is that I know how to hold diabetes at bay. I deflected my Dr.'s
diabetes diagnosis about 2 years ago by going on a rigorous diet/exercise program and loosing over 60 pounds. I maintained it for quite a while, but the last 9 months has seen me slack off and gain back about 25 pounds yielding higher glucose readings. I've resisted going back to the doctor because of embarrassment. I promise I will go soon.

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