Saturday, February 20, 2010

Black Bean Garbanzo Salad Recipe

Black Bean Garbanzo Salad Recipe

This is my concoction. I am not fussy about proportions of ingredients; you know your preferences.

1 lb. bag black beans cooked as directed and chilled

(add a piece of kombu in the cooking pot)

15 oz. can of corn or Frozen bag 1 lb.

15 oz. can garbanzo beans

Cucumbers 1 or 2 based on size (diced)

Red onion diced

2 celery stalks (diced)

2 Carrots (Julienne)

½ bunch of Parsley

Pint Cherry tomatoes

2 T Olive oil

1 tsp. toasted sesame oil

Salt (sea) and coarse pepper to taste

Chipotle pepper ½ tsp.

Cayenne pepper (dash)

Turmeric to taste

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