Tuesday, November 24, 2009



I just relearned two really important lessons. Healthy life habits really do work and these healthy habits slowly slip into chaos without vigilance.

A few years ago I was, with great vigor, able to dodge the diabetes bullet by closely watching my eating and exercise habits. I thought I won the war. Little did I know that these great practices would almost imperceptibly slip. Slowly I allowed in small amounts of foods I knew were not my friends. The amounts and frequency gradually increased. I also was less committed to my exercise program. I seemed to wake up one day with 25 of the 65 pound weight loss magically returned to me and my blood sugar rocketed.

It still took me another six months to get the picture clear. I was scared to death that my belief that I could manage my diabetes without medicine was being disproved. After all, I was still exercising and eating well. How could I honestly be a health counselor if I didn't have a valid theory even for myself.

I finally realized that I needed to reinvigorate my plan and be true to myself. I was pleasantly surprised how quickly I was able to turn the ship around. In less than a month I got my blood glucose back into the non diabetic range. I can again feel good about myself and my program.

This is not easy stuff. You cannot just construct a program and think it will work itself without attentive maintenance and adjustments as indicated. Entropy is not just a theory in physics. All systems fall into disorder without the infusion of effort. Buildings, societies and health all require attentive maintenance.

1 comment:

  1. Many things happen when entropy increases, including a portion of the compound reactions. That probably implies that entropy as such isn't almost consistently something awful.

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